7 Steps To An SEO Strategy For Agencies

7 Steps To An SEO Strategy For Agencies

In digital marketing, an agency SEO strategy – also known as an “SEO approach” – is the process of planning, outlining, and implementing steps to improve search engine rankings.

In other words, the agency SEO strategy should be planned and executed as a consistent process you follow to get more organic traffic.

What Is An SEO Strategy?

An SEO strategy is about planning and implementing activities that will take you from where your brand currently ranks to a higher position. The most successful SEO strategies result in higher traffic from search engines, resulting in more conversions. As a result, revenue generation also increases.

SEO Strategy For Agencies: A Guide To Getting Started

#1 Perform An Entire Site Audit

The first step in your SEO plan is to define your site’s strengths and weaknesses by conducting a complete and in-depth site audit. So you can get a clear view of how your site is optimized for search engines compared to your competitors’ sites.

Using reliable SEO audit tools, you should perform a detailed analysis on:

  • Crawling and indexing the status of your website pages;
  • Ranking of the site in search results for the chosen keywords;
  • Site navigation experience for mobile and desktop search users;
  • Internal link structure and backlink profile;
  • On-page SEO factors: use of keywords, titles, URLs, meta descriptions, and alt images;
  • The security level of your website;
  • Your site’s overall SEO performance compared to competitors.

The initial site audit is a mandatory step as it will show which areas require improvement to deliver the desired results.

#2 Performing Planned Keyword Research

Keyword research is an essential step with high priority in agency SEO strategy development. In practice, they direct potential customers and guide the production of value-added content that matches search intent. After all, choosing the most suitable keywords impacts the entire search engine optimization process.

Product or service pages, publications, and blog guides should be defined based on the monthly search volume for each keyword. Also, it’s essential to consider the competition for the top position in search results.

The search keyword list portfolio should contain the following:

  • Short-tail “one or two words” keywords for content on product pages;
  • “3-5 words” long tail keywords for blog post content
  • Location keywords for targeting local search results, such as “best SEO agency in Egypt”;
  • Questions for targeting voice search queries.

Once you’ve created your search keyword portfolio, you’re ready to implement your agency’s SEO strategy.

#3 Creating Valuable Content Optimized For SEO

Producing SEO-optimized content is critical to triggering the needs and interests of your potential customers. In short, SEO-optimized content adds value to search users. It’s your bridge to achieving higher rankings in search results.

The content produced must match the user’s intent, which is often categorized into four different search types:

  • Informative: the user is looking for information about a specific topic;
  • Navigational: search to reach particular pages or sites;
  • Commercial: the user considers making a purchase and searches for options and recommendations;
  • Transactional: They want to complete an online action to make a purchase or reservation.

Knowing these search intentions, the challenge is to develop the complete process: planning, creating, publishing, and updating SEO-optimized content capable of adding value to search users using the chosen keywords.

#4 Providing The Best User Search Experience

The next step in implementing your agency’s SEO strategy is to ensure that you provide the best user experience for all users who visit your website. Remember that your page receives search users, repeat visitors, or referral visits from other websites and social media platforms.

Therefore, your efforts at this stage should focus on improving the navigation structure’s ” experience ” so that search engines can easily crawl and index your website pages. 

In this way, visitors reach the pages, consume the created content, and, at some point, must respond to the CTAs, generating the desired conversions. 

For that, you need to ensure the following:

  • Mobile optimized browsing experience: responsive design, scalable textual and visual content, and clickable elements;
  • Internal links to related products and high authority content pages;
  • High loading speed for your website pages on all types of devices; 
  • Clear information and accessible contact options;
  • Maximum security and protection of databases.

#5 Application Of Proper Link-Building Strategy

While content quality and user experience are key ranking factors for search engines, the number of referring quality backlinks is also significant. That’s because the number of quality backlinks from blogging sites also measures your site’s authority for search engines.

Therefore, your link-building strategy’s efficiency should be one of your SEO project’s priorities. Quality backlinks drive referral traffic from related high authority sites.

#6 Measuring The Performance Of Your SEO Strategy

The search engine optimization process is a long-term project that requires continuous efforts. In this journey, it is ideal to perform a monthly evaluation of the performance of the SEO strategy for agencies using reliable data and analytical platforms such as Google Analytics reports.

See the main metrics and aspects to be analyzed in the evaluation:

  • Comparison of current website with the previous ranking in targeted search results;
  • The volume of organic traffic generated each month;
  • User experience metrics: duration of sessions, number of pages visited, bounce rate, and average load time;
  • Number of quality backlinks obtained each month;
  • Conversion metrics: leads generated, completed purchases, and ROI.

These metrics will give you a clear picture of the effectiveness of your agency’s SEO strategy. In practice, they must confirm whether this is the most appropriate way to achieve the desired goals.

#7 Improve And Update Your Website Regularly

Frequent updates in each search engine algorithm and the growing number of competitors fighting for the top positions in search results require you to improve your website regularly. In addition, unpublished publishing content is equally important. A successful agency SEO strategy delivers consistent long-term results, increasing organic traffic and making your website more profitable.

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