Customer Satisfaction: What Is It And How To Improve?

Customer Satisfaction: What Is It And How To Improve?

Through customer satisfaction, learn how to retain your audience, win new consumers and improve service. In any business, it is very important to pay extra attention to those who are already customers, seeking to retain them.

In addition, by observing important metrics about customer satisfaction, it is possible to work on increasingly better strategies to attract new customers – the ones we call leads.

And in a super digitized world, it’s important to remember that customers can turn to other service providers anytime. So invest in empathetic and personalized service so he doesn’t trade you for any other! But, after all, what does “customer satisfaction” really mean in a business? See below.

What Is Customer Satisfaction?

As you might imagine, the concept of customer satisfaction is quite broad. After all, as the name implies, this data refers to how much a consumer feels contemplated when being served in a business. Wide, isn’t it?

After all, for any company, it is important to know whether or not customers are satisfied with the service provided! Whether pre-sales, during-sales or after-sales, it concerns the support offered afterwards.

It does not stop there! There must also be a constant relationship even when the customer has already purchased. After all, there is a chance that he will come back to buy other products from your company, answer any questions, and even recommend your services to acquaintances, friends and family.

How Important Is Customer Satisfaction?

Well, it might be a bit obvious how important it is to know whether or not the clientele is satisfied with your services, right? But the motivation for customer satisfaction rate mapping goes far beyond trivia. 

It is interesting to apply customer service assessments, questionnaires and feedback whenever possible so that consumers can share their experiences and make relevant criticisms and suggestions. In this way, it is possible to work a little more on certain improvements to make the service more attractive! But that is the subject for the next topic of this text.

How To Measure Customer Satisfaction? 

There are three main indicators of customer satisfaction. Stay inside and find out:


NFS is the acronym for the English word “net promoter score”. You’ve probably already answered some surveys very quickly, and that followed this model! After all, she invites the customer to respond on a scale of 0 to 10. Want an example? See the question below:

“From 0 to 10, how inclined are you to recommend New Way’s services to an acquaintance? 0 being slightly inclined and ten being very prone”. 

Next, squares will appear to be selected and thus measure your level of satisfaction. This test is more suitable for building loyalty and a more lasting relationship with customers.


The CSAT, or customer satisfaction score, also works within various degrees of satisfaction. This often applies at the end of events or after an experience in establishments such as a restaurant, pharmacy, market or other. 

Here, we can mention the following example, in which the customer needs to respond in levels of “very dissatisfied > somewhat satisfied > satisfied > very satisfied” with a given service. 

Generally, it is necessary to select one of the options (in the case of digital screens) or mark balls on paper questionnaires. For brief customer contacts, this type of survey is recommended.


Still talking about acronyms, this one stands for Customer Effort Score. It can measure how much effort a customer has or does not have to interact with its channels, whether to purchase your products or request any service with your team. Usually, it is possible to find questionnaires like the CES in the following way:

“Customer, how was your experience when completing the purchase via the website?” and the options range from “difficult”, “neutral”, and “easy”. Of course, this is a rather hypothetical suggestion, okay? Other possibilities should be elaborated according to what your business sells and the person it serves.

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