Five Reasons To Integrate Your Company’s Sectors Today!

Five Reasons To Integrate Your Company's Sectors Today!

From the perspective of new developments in the productive sector, integration into the company is much more than introducing new employees to the company’s culture and its teams separately.

To integrate is, in essence, to collectivize – to make distinct elements part of a coherent whole. In the industrial sector, integration is a complex process that involves all processes, from the acquisition of inputs to the distribution of the final product.

And, as the classic division of the company’s production model is by sectors, they are the main elements that must be integrated. As a result, a more dynamic, conscious, productive, and profitable company.

Advantages Of Company Integration

As we said, having an integrated company, industry, or distributor not only presupposes the approximation between the sectors – it is, above all, the integration of information, routines, processes, and the like.

The main objective of this transformation is to reduce production errors, facilitate management and reduce barriers between sectors, contributing to a more transparent, assertive, and efficient work.

This process guarantees several benefits to managers and business owners who adopt the integration principle. Want to know what they are? Follow:

  • Clean and transparent management of information, sectors, and processes;
  • Reduction of production errors;
  • Reduction of operating costs;
  • Approaching the purposes of Industry 4.0;
  • Awareness of the production chain (for both employees and managers);
  • Information security (reduced risk of loss);
  • Harmony between sectors.

It is worth mentioning that the main advantage continues about data and information management, especially in the age of digitalization, files, and cloud ERPs. This is because companies that integrate can manage their information more efficiently, understanding and predicting internal and external trends.

Five Reasons To Promote Sector Integration

Now that you know the benefits of the process, it’s time to understand why it is so necessary to drive your business growth:

1 – Integrating Is The Most Efficient Way To Optimize Management

Anyone who believes that information control alone is enough for good management is wrong. It is also necessary to be attentive to their quality since it is what attests to their integrity.

In addition, quality information requires quality sources and efficient organization so that this data is not lost, right? When each sector has its source of capture (specific systems, spreadsheets, paper documents, etc.), the probability that this information is inaccurate is greater.

In this context, integration is a fundamental tool for managers who aim to improve the quality of their management, reducing errors and leading the company to success.

2 – Integration Eliminates Competition Between Company Sectors

It may seem strange, but it is widespread for large companies to have indirect competition between similar sectors. A great example of this is the sales and marketing departments, whose functions are related to attracting new consumers.

This imbalance and excess of competitiveness are harmful, given that the result of these sectors is interdependent, as well as in sectors of production, distribution, storage, and quality. Investing in integration is, in this aspect, the reduction of competitive barriers that can generate internal tensions in the business and harm it over time.

3 – Sectors That Are Integrated Are Unified

Following the same line of thought as the previous reason, sectors with a high degree of interaction tend to be more cohesive and united, which guarantees the assertiveness of the products and services that come from them.

In addition, having a unified company increases employee awareness of all processes, which is a highly efficient strategy for identifying errors, failures, and bottlenecks in the most diverse circles. All this, however, is only possible through the encouragement of senior management, where the integration process must be initiated.

4 – Integrated Information Generates Complete Reports

The basis of every report is the information collected in the sectors. A stock inventory, statements, billing reports – all these essential documents come from the sector databases. Given the need for accurate reports, integration proves to be more than fundamental so that all projections, strategies, and actions take solid and real bases.

5 – Integration In The Company Is A Technological Process

Finally, the integration between the sectors of a integrate into company is a great competitive differentiator. To grow, it is necessary to stand out, and for this to happen, efficient strategies must be set up (supported by accurate and correct data). 

With this, you can see that the optimization done at the beginning of all processes can generate positive consequences for your business. However, it is worth remembering that integration is a process supported by technology.

The most outstanding example of this is the management systems that integrate sector databases to compose clear and objective reports and assist managers with a series of optimized and specialized resources in their segment.

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