Google My Business: How Can This Tool Help Your Business

Google My Business: How Can This Tool Help Your Business

If you want your brand to stand out and reach many people, get to know Google My Business. Launched in 2014, the tool favors visibility and boosts the company’s ranking on Google’s results page.

In addition, it increases your sales potential. Google is the search engine most people use to search for products and services before closing a deal. You must be used to this when you are interested in an article. Before buying it, compare prices, cost-effectiveness, and the companies that produce it. Isn’t that right?

So, it’s time to learn how Google My Business works. Find out what advantages it can bring to your company. Let’s go. 

Google My Business: What Is This Tool?

Google My Business is a free tool aimed at companies that want to manage their presence on the Internet. For example, you can register the information you consider most relevant to increase the probability of being found by consumers. 

According to Google itself, when registered in Google My Business, websites are 70% more likely to receive visits. When the profile is complete, the possibility of selling doubles. In addition, the tool offers benefits such as:

  • receive and respond to reviews;
  • talk to consumers and answer questions; 
  • supplement your information;
  • know your audience.

If you sell online, the tool is essential for the following:

  • provide information about your physical store;
  • improve your positioning on Google;
  • attract traffic to your website.

How Can Improving Your Ranking On Google Help Your Business?

As mentioned in the item above, Google My Business boosts your positioning on Google itself. When a consumer searches, the possibility of finding your site on the first page of results is much greater. 

And why is this important? Well, a recent survey revealed that 45% of the audience does not make it past the first page of Google. Therefore, improving positioning is essential for the success of all your digital marketing planning. With that, you:

  • gains online visibility;
  • gain an advantage over the competition;
  • put your business in front of new customers;
  • increases traffic;
  • attracts visitors to your website;
  • gains engagement and authority. 

How Can Google My Business Help Your Business?

With Google My Business, your company is advertised to the general public that uses the platform. There are more than 8.5 billion searches per day. Thus, your possibility of growth increases. Discover other benefits. 

Creation Of Another Communication Channel

Consumers can follow the listings of companies on Google My Business. This creates a direct communication channel between your business and your audience. You can still post publications, videos, photos, and updates, just like on a social network, keeping in touch with your customers.

The Attraction Of New Customers 

We know that conquering a prominent place on the first pages of results is possible. But Google’s algorithms can still segment and direct content according to consumers’ interests.

The Google Maps search also prioritizes location data, opening hours, and photos. This expands your disclosure and the chances of impacting a potential customer for your company.

Support In Sales And Marketing Strategies

When your brand’s reach increases, so does your audience, both on your website and in your physical store. This helps to reinforce your sales and marketing strategies. 

Your information must be up to date on Google My Business. This, in addition to customer reviews, also contributes to more people finding your business trustworthy.

To increase your advertising and your conversion rates, it is still possible to combine strategies. The free Google My Business tool is used, combined with Google Ads.

Support Tools For Metric Analysis

Your marketing strategy also benefits from the insights generated by Google My Business regarding your user behavior. The tool provides important information such as:

  • daily access to your file;
  • number of clicks to your website;
  • keywords searched on Google that led users to your business;
  • potential customers took action after visiting your profile.

You can adjust your profile and website according to what the public wants from this data.

Also Read: How Store Organization Impacts Business Sales