How Do Paid Media Campaigns In Marketing For B2B Companies?

How Do Paid Media Campaigns In Marketing For B2B Companies?

It’s not news that the B2B companies prospect’s buying journey is getting longer and more complex. This is because the number of actors involved in the buying process is increasing.

With so many advertising platforms available, what is one of the main marketing challenges for B2B companies? Build value and gain audience trust. If you have questions about investing in this opportunity, don’t worry! This article explains how paid media can boost your brand’s visibility and ROI.

Paid Media And Marketing For B2B Companies

Google Ads Search Network 

Because they do not know the sales and marketing funnel stages in-depth, many companies end up underusing Google Ads. Thus, they miss a unique opportunity: making an offer and showing your brand to those actively looking for what you offer.

The Google Search Network is a group of search-related websites and apps where your ads can appear. The ad may appear in search results when advertising on the Google search network. Just someone is looking for terms related to one of your keywords. 

Search Network Ads may appear on: 

  • Google search results, above and below organic links;
  • other Google services such as Maps, Play, Shopping and Images;
  • search network partner sites.

With Google Ads, you can advertise with custom audience targets. You can do this by, for example, adding specific keywords, URLs and apps related to the product or service you offer. This way, Google Ads will show your ads on pages, apps and videos to people with those interests or purchase intent.

Ads On LinkedIn

We know that Google AdWords and Facebook Ads are the darlings among online advertisers. But LinkedIn Ads is emerging as a very interesting channel to explore marketing for B2B companies.

The reason is its focus on the corporate public and its high segmentation potential. There is emphasis, for example, on the field of activity and the position held by the audience. It’s not hard to imagine the visitor qualification the ad platform offers.

Users of this network like content that adds value and knowledge. Therefore, be consistent in publications with weekly content. Bring tips, trends, curiosities, innovations, events about your company and other information about the sector in which you operate.

Top Of Funnel

LinkedIn is, therefore, a valuable network for having a qualified audience. In that case, marketing for B2B companies on LinkedIn can invest in top-of-the-funnel content. They are designed to attract visitors to your social media and provide as much information about your business as possible.

They must be relevant and quality but cover more general terms so potential customers can identify and approach your business. Thus, it is possible to arouse the user’s interest so that he continues his purchase journey. This is valid even if the customer is not 100% focused on purchasing a specific product or service.

Remarketing In Display Campaigns On Google

The objective of remarketing is to increase the conversion, that is, the sale. That’s because not everyone who sees an ad for the first time chooses to make the purchase. Conversion to quote requests or similar actions is even lower in complex sales.

Therefore, remarketing is a good marketing strategy for B2B companies. The idea is to impact the same person more than once. The user sees the ads after a first search for the theme, a certain page visited or another type of interaction.

The Display Network is a group of partner sites that offer space within their pages to run paid advertisements. These spaces are used to serve banners to users who are on a remarketing list. And that’s where those promotions you find on different websites come in.

Each remarketing platform has agreements to set up its own Display Network. Then, according to the one you choose, your ads will be displayed on the network sites of that platform. Partnerships are often made so the same site can display ads from different networks.

Remarketing On Instagram 

On Instagram, remarketing is a recommended strategy for different situations. Ideally, you want to make sure your ads reach the right people. For this, Pixel, from Facebook, operates on both social networks.

This tool is analytical and indicates the level of effectiveness of the campaign. To use it, place a code on the website and monitor the visits received. Thus, creating a list of people who should be impacted by the campaign again to stimulate the purchase is possible.

Campaigns On YouTube

Have you ever wondered if YouTube works in marketing for B2B companies? The construction of a brand perception considers several aspects, solutions and tools. In some cases, even breaking paradigms. 

How can you capture people’s attention and give them a “little push” to get in touch? How do you do that and simultaneously pass along the information you need them to understand? In a world with increasingly scarce attention, every second counts. And the secret is in animated explainer videos, of course!

Some people think animated videos only work for B2C sales. But it’s important to remember that animated explainer videos were first used as a marketing tool, specifically by B2B companies.

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