How To Apply Natural Language Processing?

Natural Language Processing goes hand in hand with text analysis. It groups categorize words and extracts structures and meanings from large volumes of content. Text analysis, in turn, is used to explore textual contents and find new variables for the raw text.

This way, viewing and filtering the content as inputs to predictive models or statistical methods is possible. In its applications, NLP can be applied to:

  • investigative discovery: identifying patterns and clues in emails and reports for problem detection and resolution;
  • expertise: classifies content into topics of different meanings to take action and discover trends;
  • Social media analysis: can track the relevance of feelings on specific topics and subjects, also identifying influencers on the platform.

These three principles are present in the primary uses of NLP, aiming to understand, analyze and simulate human language. The main applications of NLP in the daily life of companies are related to marketing and relationship strategies.

Online Search Platform

Search engines use a keyword application system to find the main content. The objective is to respond to people’s doubts and needs. From this system, the algorithm interprets what the user wants to find and what the contents offer the best answers. From then on, there is a list organization presenting the results from most relevant to least. An example of this use is Google. It offers geographic positioning answers, like when a person asks “restaurants near me” and finds a list.

Forecasting Searches On Search Platforms

Google can also interpret the semantics of what people are saying. From this knowledge, he suggests corrections and suggestions for new searches related to the product or service the person is looking for. All of this has the principle of increasing the quality of the person’s experience with the search platform.

Virtual Assistants

Smartphone virtual assistants are usually initiated from the sound. Currently, this functionality is disseminated to several applications, including banks. These assistants can understand the questions raised by users and find the best possible interaction.


Another possible application for NLP is chatbots. They are communication software to facilitate and speed up customer interaction through chats, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger.

Messages are designed to provide the best possible experience for people. They are machines that are developed based on the understanding of users’ needs.

In the past, these platforms needed standardization in the message. Currently, chatbots can understand users’ speech and offer interactions.

The NLP Tasks

NLP decodes the language and manages to operate on different fronts, such as:

  • Content categorization: The entire document is organized based on linguistics, including search and indexing, content alerts, and duplicate detection;
  • Topic discovery and modeling: accurately captures the meanings of themes in text collections, applying advanced analytics such as optimization;
  • contextual extraction: extracts structured information from textual sources;
  • sentiment analysis: identifies mood or subjective opinions present in significant texts, including average sentiment;
  • speech-to-text and text-to-speech conversion: transforms voice commands into texts and vice versa;
  • summarization: generates synopses of significant texts automatically;
  • Machine translation: translates texts or speech from one language to another.

What Are The Advantages Of Using NLP?

Customer experience is essential to achieve fundamental aspects of a company, such as loyalty, retention, sense of community, etc. Improving customer communication strengthens relationship marketing, creating a bridge of trust between brands and consumers.

In many cases, a chatbot’s cold and distant treatment can detract from the user experience, which is why NLP is critical. He manages to improve customer service through constant and daily learning.

With each new interaction, new learning is created for the robot. That way, future interactions will have a more appropriate personification. At the time of information, NLP can extract, analyze and interact with a series of unstructured data. This data becomes a fundamental tool for improving customer relationships.

Discovering how consumers like to relate to brands is one of the works developed by PLN. In this way, contact with AI tools is increasingly common, offering benefits such as:

  • enhances the customer service experience;
  • reduces problems with dissatisfaction;
  • decreases costs;
  • optimizes marketing and sales actions;
  • Segments and personalized communication with people.

Natural language processing is a mechanism for improving sales and marketing processes. Thus, it is fundamental for the growth of any company.

Also Read: Internet Of Behavior (IoB): Impacts On The Industry

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