How To Choose The Ideal Data Center For Your Company?

How To Choose The Ideal Data Center For Your Company?

Data Center: Regardless of the infrastructure model your company uses or is considering adopting (whether dedicated servers, hybrid clouds, public or private), two factors must be primarily considered when choosing the ideal Data Center: availability and security.

The current market offers a series of solutions focused on Data Center technology. And choosing the one that best fits your company’s needs is a task that still raises many questions.

For this reason, we have developed this article to answer questions about which technology is ideal for your business and what should be evaluated when investing in a Data Center solution. Follow!

What Is The Structure Of A Data Center?

There is a huge diversity in application models, from traditional commercial systems to modern applications for web and mobile devices. To meet the variety of information, the Data Center needs to work with different types of hardware and software solutions. However, to make this structure work, other essential resources are needed:

  • physical space for installing the Data Center;
  • cooling and power;
  • physical security;
  • trained personnel.

Therefore, maintaining a local Data Center that meets all technological evolution requires a very high investment. This way, solutions such as using a  Virtual Data Center are rising. Thus, the company is free to hire a service that meets its needs and frees up resources to invest in its line of business.

Why Is Choosing The Ideal Data Center So Important?

Centralizing information technology resources in a Data Center is already part of the strategy of many companies of all sizes. The benefits achieved by the development of cloud computing infrastructure solutions represent great competitive advantages.

When we talk about small and medium-sized companies, these benefits range from the simplest business processes to the most complex ones. However, to take advantage of these advantages, it is necessary to define the architecture of the servers most suited to the company’s reality since the infrastructure, installation, and security depend on the chosen Data Center model.

Acquiring the most appropriate solution requires some care from the IT manager. To opt for the most flexible service with the most appropriate features for your business, check out some tips below.

What Is The Difference Between A Local And Virtual Data Center?


The local Data Center is built and maintained by the company. As a result, to maintain it, the company needs to be concerned about hiring specialized labor, investing in updating machines and guaranteeing maintenance contracts for the entire infrastructure.

The advantage of this Data Center model is the centralization of information. In addition, there is also greater control of the infrastructure. However, the disadvantages are many:

  • risks of access by unauthorized persons;
  • high cost of maintaining hardware, software and other infrastructure;
  • risk of  stoppages due to technical problems ;
  • risk of downtime due to data storage limitations.


The Virtual Data Center runs 100% in the cloud and is contracted by the company as a service (IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service). In this model, access to the operation is via communication links (via the internet or point-to-point). There are also different types of solutions to meet customer needs.

  • reduction of infrastructure costs;
  • use of modern and safe technologies;
  • reduced risk of system downtime;
  • greater mobility and elasticity.

Generally, the disadvantage of this model is due to poor planning of the resources needed by the company, which is easily resolved by making a good analysis of its needs.

What To Consider When Choosing?

Modularity And Scalability

The Data Center needs to be customizable to add or remove functionality and be prepared for its growth without loss of performance.


It is necessary to evaluate the type of support offered: whether there is telephone, chat and service desk assistance. In addition, the opening hours are also important, as for critical business, 24/7 support should be preferred.

High Availability

It must always be available. Therefore, the provider needs to keep the environment very well monitored. In addition, it is necessary to maintain the redundancy of essential components for the operation of the environment, such as electricity and internet networks, to guarantee the stability of the operation.

What Care Should Be Taken In This Process?

Even after defining which solution best fits your company’s objectives, some variables must be considered before purchasing servers. When the company acquires hardware to carry out the colocation process, it needs to understand that these machines depreciate quickly due to technological renewal. A high investment in warranty renewal will be required in a short period.

In addition, it is necessary to have a qualified team capable of executing the business’s main operations and managing the IT infrastructure. This team needs to know how to manage the hardware and exchange parts, for example, and still manage access security, assuming a series of responsibilities.

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