How To Use Email Marketing To Increase Your Business Sales

How To Use Email Marketing To Increase Your Business Sales

One of the oldest and most used digital marketing strategies to increase sales is email marketing. Even when digital marketing was not thought of as a solid set of strategies to achieve a goal, the use of messages to keep in touch between company and customer has always been quite common.

But how to use email marketing strategically? With spam (sending unsolicited messages), email marketing has gone through its down days. However, currently, there are strategies to convince the customer to subscribe and follow your newsletter, regardless of the segment of your business. In this text, you will understand how to use email marketing to attract and retain customers. Check out!

How To Use Email Marketing To Increase Sales?

Here’s how to use messaging strategically:

No Unauthorized Shipments

The first thing you must be aware of about email marketing is that it can only be sent with the customer’s consent. That’s because some companies work with the sale of email packages from random people, who have yet to visit their store, much less left contact forms. Although this strategy may seem faster than organic capture, your company practices spam, and worse, it can be seen as a scam.

Knowing how to use email marketing is to create ways to attract potential clients to subscribe to your newsletter, for example, and open it whenever you receive it.

Put A Box Or Popup For The Newsletter

As soon as a user visits your e-commerce, place a popup so that he can subscribe to your newsletter. For example: leaving the email, he receives a 10% discount on his first purchase. It’s a motivation for him to buy and, in addition, you get a contact to send your marketing emails.

Another way to attract emails is with a box at the top of the page for the user to sign up and get a discount. It’s more discreet but stays longer on the page than the popup.

Provide Relevant And Free Content

Do you want to know how to use email marketing and, on top of that, become an authority in your segment? Just make free content available to your persona. This content can be made available in different ways:

In The Blog

The blog is an intelligent strategy to attract more public and consolidate your company’s name as an authority in a certain segment. With relevant content designed for the public and constantly updated, any user who does a Google search on the subject above will see your business as a voice that understands the segment addressed.

You can provide the same popup and box for users to leave their contact email on the blog. From then on, he will receive your blog updates in the message box — and, in addition to them, you can show news and promotions from your store.

In The Newsletter

The newsletter can either continue the blog strategy or the e-commerce itself. It’s also a way to use email marketing to increase sales, but you don’t have to advertise any products directly. Here, the objective is to bring updates of the most interesting things you published on the blog or social networks during a certain period, but you can also count on the news about the store.

It is important to understand that the newsletter is less frequent than conventional email marketing, but both can coexist in the same strategy. While the first can be weekly, fortnightly, or monthly, the second can be almost daily.

In Rich Content

Finally, another strategy for using email marketing to increase sales is capturing rich content. For example, your e-commerce is specialized in cooking items. So, in December, you prepare an e-book with Christmas and New Year recipes. For the user to download this content, you create a landing page where he will leave data such as name and email and ask if the user works with cooking or cooking as a hobby.

This type of capture can be cyclical: in the future, you can send other rich content to users already in your email base. Thus, you will be able to know if they are reading your content and, of course, strengthen your image as an authority in the segment.

Create A Schedule

A marketing email should not be sent exaggeratedly. In addition to crowding the customer’s email box – which can cause them to block their submissions -it still causes the strategy to lose focus. A smart way to send them is to create a schedule.

Even if you only send sales emails, you can segment them with different types of users. Those who have already purchased from your store must receive different emails, and the types of products also differ. Always define the shipping days and obey this schedule.

Segment Your Base

Have you already managed to collect a good amount of emails? Now it’s time to segment the content each potential customer can receive.

Invest In Title

One of the great tricks in email marketing is investing in irresistible titles, but that has to do with the body of the message so that the user does not feel deceived. Even if the email only shows products, invest in a selection related to the products visited or purchased by the sender and an impact title to convince him to open it.

Think about the marketing emails you receive and what makes one message open over another. It’s a title that makes you irresistible, that practically speaks of wish fulfillment. For example, instead of “discounted tickets,” put “Now your dream of an international trip will come true.” 

Exclusive Promotions

The user who frequently buys from your store and the “disappeared” user can receive an email with an exclusive promotion. For example, a loyal customer may receive an email offering a 20% discount for preference or exclusive promotions in the niche where he usually buys. In addition to continuing to shop at your store, the consumer will feel valued.

Also Read: 6 Tips For An Email Marketing Template That Works