Is Email Marketing Worth It? Find Out Here!

Is Email Marketing Worth It? Find Out Here!

When thinking about email marketing, does your company automatically associate this tool with something that doesn’t give a return? Well, know that many organizations follow this same line. They prefer to bet on online strategies that are more popular, such as social media management.

It turns out that email marketing is not only a practical but also an efficient and low-cost way to reach your target audience. So leaving it out of your marketing plan might not be a good idea.

This post gives more details about this type of action’s relevance, its benefits, and how to adopt it in your business. Stay tuned and see how to boost the results of your venture and grow more and more in the market!

What Is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is nothing more than one of the possible means of communication that a company has with its customers. As is the case, for example, with online chat, call centers, contact email, or WhatsApp/Telegram account.

Its difference from these others is that it is a scheduled communication — that is, the organization schedules when and how it will occur. Furthermore, she is one-way, as she is always part of the company, never of the public. The reason for this is quite simple: email marketing is the communication of an advertising nature that promotes:

  • products or services;
  • promotions and offers;
  • novelties and releases (mainly seasonal ones);
  • changes, acquisitions, or achievements of the company.

Despite that, I don’t think these are the only possibilities for using it, see? Many content marketing / digital marketing departments invest in this tool as a content promotion strategy. In this case, those are for social networks, blogs, websites, and other institutional pages.

The idea is to increase the reach and engagement of these materials and make this communication an omnichannel information channel for people. Everything is integrated, and the customer experience is more immersive from the first contact with the company.

It is also worth mentioning the cases in which email marketing specifically serves as a promoter of the brand-consumer relationship. This is the case of those emails sent to celebrate birthdays and festive dates (Easter, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve).

Another possibility is marketing emails that serve to spread causes and campaigns that your business supports. For example, animal protection NGOs or physical and mental health actions (yellow September and pink October).

What Are The Main Advantages Of This Tool?

A while ago, we explained what email marketing is and how it contributes to your communication strategy. Now, let’s delve into the advantages it brings both the entrepreneur and the freelancer. Follow up!

Excellent Value For Money

The first advantage we have already mentioned: is the cost-benefit of the tool. This is because, to have and maintain other types of communication, the company needs to spend frequently; with email marketing, this does not happen.

The only existing expense is monthly. We are discussing the platform’s payment for sending these emails — which we will discuss later. Moreover, it can be carried out internally in the company, especially when dealing with planning and production.

Improved Brand Recognition

A second advantage is improved brand recognition. After all, you expand your company’s communication channels. Even more: you go to the consumer with a personalized approach and focus on meeting what he needs.

This helps to position your company positively, making it approachable and willing to have a real relationship with the customer. In this way, he feels valued and begins to reciprocate with greater engagement and loyalty.

Credibility Generation

The greater the company’s disclosure of information — even more so when it occurs consistently and through official channels — the greater its credibility in the market.

After all, nothing is more problematic these days than a brand that contradicts itself or does not keep what it promises during customer service. This behavior affects credibility and people’s interest in doing business with them again.

Lead Nurturing

Remember what we said about alternative uses for email marketing? One of them is to increase the dissemination of content generated for the internet. Well, you can take advantage of this strategy for nurturing leads — that is, people who have the persona of potential customers but have not yet decided on using your services.

Therefore, this tool becomes a less invasive way for your brand to be present in the daily lives of Internet users, instead, for example, of those sponsored publications that just want to sell at any cost.

Increase In Sales

To conclude, we cannot fail to mention that email marketing also contributes to increasing your sales. And this is not exclusively because you can insert links to products and services in this material.

It’s because, in addition to that, you can direct these people to service, purchase, and pay online via app or e-commerce. After all, the virtual and the remote are increasingly gaining space in the market. This is because of the convenience and practicality of having no queues, opening hours, and the need for locomotion.

Also Read: How The Business Process Works In Outbound Marketing