Marketing 5.0: What Is It, And What Changes?

Marketing 5.0: What Is It, And What Changes?

Marketing 5.0: Over the years, marketing and communication have adapted to new ways of connecting and, above all, to emerging technologies. In this way, people and companies must better understand this moment to draw up their plans.

Learn more about Marketing 5.0 and everything that changes with it.

What Is Marketing 5.0?

Marketing 5.0 defines the current moment in the evolution of communication. Currently, technology brings a better customer experience and has been one of the latest trends in communication.

Pulling from a more technical side, this concept was defined by Philip Kotler, considered by many as the “Father of Marketing.” In his book, “Marketing 5.0: Technology for Humanity”, which he wrote with authors Herma wan Kartajaya and Ewan Setia wan, he analyzes the pandemic’s impacts on the digitization movement’s advancement. 

In this way, they reinforce the importance of monitoring all these technological or consumer behavior developments in search of better results and customer relationship management.

The Evolution Of Marketing 1.0 To 5.0

In recent years, marketing has gone through several processes of evolution. Since its inception, in 1.0, until today, we have used technology strongly. Learn more about each of the types of marketing and their characteristics.

Marketing 1.0

Marketing 1.0 focused mainly on the dissemination and sale of products or services. The intention was to show what they offered to customers, highlighting those with the best quality.

Notably, in this context, there was very little attempt at brand differentiation, much less consumer segmentation. After all, there weren’t many competitors at that time, and, with simple publicity, it was already able to reach many customers, especially on radio and open TV.

Marketing 2.0

In Marketing 2.0, large companies realized that customers are not the same. In this new moment, it was no longer possible to treat everyone the same, mainly because the number of competitors increased and consumers became more demanding with the products and services they bought.

In this way, the consumer began to be the main focus of marketing. Thus, research on behaviors and interests began to be able to group and segment these people. Thus, according to the company’s target audience, ads began to be made on cable TV, targeted magazines, and radio stations.

Marketing 3.0

The main focus of Marketing 3.0 is on human beings. In 1.0, the objective was to talk to many people, and in 2.0, the target was a segmented public; in 3.0, the individual is who matters.

Just think that we are not a mass or segment; we are unique people who live and have different experiences. At that point, digital marketing campaigns begin, increasingly humanized with brands that show their purpose.

Marketing 4.0

Marketing 4.0 improves on 3.0 but now includes using technology with artificial intelligence, such as chatbots, virtual reality, and big data. And these new features are consolidating in the current Marketing 5.0 and should be increasingly used in the coming years.

What Are The Components Of Marketing 5.0, And How To Apply Them?

By unfolding the concepts of Marketing 5.0, it becomes much easier to understand some of its components. Please get to know the main ones and their uses in everyday life.

Data-Driven Marketing 5.0

We have already mentioned big data, so it is worth highlighting the data-driven plans. Therefore, any decision must consider the information collected by the machine.

A great application in your company’s day-to-day life is to do market research to get to know your customers. This helps when deciding the ideal product or service, the best period, among other information.

Predictive Marketing

Predictive marketing works to predict negative outcomes. A study is carried out, and the system prepares itself to take advantage of opportunities and protect itself from threats. This is very common with artificial intelligence, which can absorb information and learn from it.

It is possible to use this resource to understand patterns and, mainly, to notice when some market movement or the behavior of a machine does not follow what was planned. Thus, it is possible to act before it gets out of control.

Augmented Marketing

This is one of the most used, highlighting the use of virtual assistants and chatbots. This advanced technology is increasingly present and adapts to the contacts and provides a service with humanization and optimization.

Bots serve customers and support internal communication, among other features. Therefore, it has been one of the main features of digitized teams.

Also Read: How To Integrate Marketing And Sales