Opportunity: AI To Improve Customer Relationships

Opportunity: AI To Improve Customer Relationships

The need now is to use AI technology to create effective touchpoints with your customers. Many companies have already discovered this. A survey by Forrester, a company specializing in customer experience, shows that 42% of executives have customer relationships as a priority.

And whoever manages to stand out will emerge. What are organizations doing? We are seeking AI solutions. Let’s see how this technology can help your company be more assertive in its customer relationship.

Business Intelligence

We say that the digital transformation in customer relationships is a fact. And it comes with an extra: the high volume of data. And here lies, today, what can competitively differentiate an organization.

The company’s data generated in customer relationships can be processed to become information with AI. This means that you can identify patterns of interactions, for example, such as frequently asked questions, recurring problems, and usage patterns.

There was a time when decision-making in the business world was based on executive intuition. It is not by chance that the idea of ​​super-executives was created, owners of accurate perception, capable of making the right decisions at the right time and mobilizing their teams to execute them—the dream of the entire organization.

Precisely because it is a dream, something not very viable and unsustainable. Even because this super-executive, if it existed, would be highly disputed and very difficult to find. Or rather, it exists and is available, but only when you have data analysis technologies in your hands and know what to do with them. And today, this is possible thanks to advances in machine learning and data digitization.

Business Intelligence: BI goes beyond internal needs; it can also be used to understand the behavior of prospects and your audience. This material generates market intelligence, which can be transformed into customized and innovative actions. The advantage of BI goes beyond basing actions on customer relationships; it involves the product areas, going through marketing and commercial until reaching customer success.

Conversational AI

Chatbots, virtual assistants, and machine learning communication platforms are all the rage. In 2019 alone, Amazon sold 100 million Alexas. Therefore, interacting with an AI has become increasingly common. Seen in the light of consumer trends in relationships with brands, it even seems counter-intuitive, given that interacting with a robot can be quite different. But it is not.

The reason is that consumers see conversational intelligence is perfect for performing simple or convenient tasks, like turning on the music you want to hear. They solve and automate many processes that do not need to be completed by humans.

While this is great, it is still not a real opportunity for organizations. The opportunity lies in understanding what your customers say, precious data to evolve conversational intelligence service.

So, we can allow a virtual assistant who responds to commands today to create proactive and continuous dialogues with customers, sending messages when they need them.

What Challenges Will Your Company Face In Using AI In Customer Relationships?

According to IDC forecasts, artificial intelligence projects have increased in companies, but still slowly. From business applications to security solutions, AI is becoming an essential element in dealing with ever-increasing volumes of events and information. However, companies are still adapting to this reality: more than 75% have some human oversight to ensure or validate the results.

Most organizations find it challenging to bring AI pilot programs across the enterprise, which limits the perceived value of these projects. These reasons are uncertainty, risk, mindset, costs, and infrastructure.

Investing in data analysis is taking the knowledge that can be applied so that your company can improve positively in search of success, all through planning and strategies, constantly considering all the impact factors to which your brand is subject. A promising way to achieve the success of your brand.

Also Read: Internet Of Behavior (IoB): Impacts On The Industry