Systems Analysis: How It Works And More

Systems Analysis: How It Works And More

Systems analysis is investigating, understanding and modeling computational and information systems to identify requirements, problems and opportunities for improvement.

This involves collecting and analyzing data, defining software requirements, designing systems, and evaluating the effectiveness of implemented solutions.

This area focuses on how systems should work and how they can be improved. Systems analysts work with end users, software developers, and other stakeholders to understand business needs and ensure that systems meet those needs efficiently and effectively.

Systems analysis activities generally begin with identifying and documenting requirements. This involves collecting information about the system, including the environment in which it will run, the end users, and the business processes the system must support. 

What is Systems Analysis

Systems analysis is a discipline that focuses on understanding and solving problems in information systems. It involves requirements analysis, modeling, design and implementation of technological solutions. Systems analysts work to improve the efficiency and performance of systems, ensuring they meet the needs of users and organizations.

Discipline focused on understanding and solving problems in information systems. It involves requirements analysis, modeling, design and implementation of technological solutions. The objective is to improve the efficiency and performance of systems, meeting the needs of users and organizations.

How Systems Analysis Works

A systems analysis is an iterative process that generally involves the following steps:

Requirements Gathering

The requirements-gathering stage in systems analysis is a process that aims to identify the system’s needs to be developed. To achieve this, interviews are carried out with interested parties, analysis of existing documents, observation of business processes and other techniques to understand what the system should do and how it should be built.

This information clearly defines and documents requirements so that all interested parties can understand them. It is essential to validate these requirements with all stakeholders before proceeding to the next steps in the software development process.

Requirements Analysis

During this step, the collected requirements are analyzed to ensure they are feasible and relevant to the developed system. This involves identifying possible conflicts between requirements, analyzing the technical and economic feasibility, and defining implementation priorities.

One of the standard techniques used during this step is the creation of use case diagrams, which help visualize and organize the different interactions that users may have with the system. Additionally, requirements analysis often includes creating prototypes or models that help validate and refine requirements before proceeding with the next step.

System Design

During the design process, a systems architecture defines how different system parts fit together and relate. This architecture includes defining the database structure, user interface and software modules. It is also essential to ensure the designed system is secure, scalable and easy to maintain.

Once the system design is completed, a design specification document is created, which describes the system architecture and the components involved in detail. This document will guide the next stage of the software development process: system implementation.


In this step, developers write the software’s source code, following the design specifications detailed in the previous step. The code must be developed following good programming practices, using the appropriate languages ​​and technologies for the project.

Those responsible for the system perform unit tests to ensure that each part of the system works as expected. Additionally, integration checks are conducted to ensure that the different parts of the system are working together harmoniously.

Another essential thing at this point is to consider the system’s scalability, security and performance. To do this, it is necessary to carry out load and security tests to verify the system’s ability to deal with large amounts of data and simultaneous users and identify possible security vulnerabilities and correct them.

Testing And Validation

Different types of tests are carried out in the testing and validation stage, including functional and security tests. Each type of evaluation aims to verify a specific aspect of the system.

Functional tests are performed to verify that the system is working as expected, meeting the requirements defined in the previous steps of the systems analysis process. Testers run different test scenarios in this phase to check whether the system fulfils its functionalities.

After this process, the results are analyzed, and the developers correct any errors or problems. Then, the tests are rerun to ensure that the fixes are effective and that the system is ready to be released.

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