The Main Applications Of Artificial Intelligence In Digital Marketing

The Main Applications Of Artificial Intelligence In Digital Marketing

Applications Of Artificial Intelligence: When you hear about Artificial Intelligence (AI), the first thing that comes to mind is the subjugation of humanity to powerful machines until the inevitable extinction of our species when they realize that we are no longer helpful.

Not? So let that idea go because AI is already everywhere and solving some problems for us human beings. That is, she is our friend, at least for now.

What Is Digital Marketing

It differs from “traditional” marketing in that it uses different online channels and methods that allow real-time analysis of results. The most used channels – which have historically shown better results – are the following: Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Networks, Conversion Optimization (CRO), and Search Marketing (SEM).

If you’re reading this post, we successfully attracted you using one of the channels above. It may also be that you already read our blog regularly. Anyway, our Digital Marketing work impacted you, right?

What Is Artificial Intelligence

Many people — myself included at the beginning of this post — link, half-jokingly, half-desperately, Artificial Intelligence with the dominance of machines over humans. At least for now, it’s the opposite: they help us solve problems.

Artificial Intelligence is too broad for a direct definition. The term refers to Intelligence similar to or simulating a human but through a mechanism or software. It is also a field of scientific study.

Its most visible face, besides that of Arnold Schwarzenegger (I promise this is the last joke with the theme), is the service bots. You’ve certainly seen one — here on the blog, for example, there’s a little robot. They sum up nicely one of the significant advantages of AI: doing a task on a larger scale, freeing humans to solve more complex problems.

But wouldn’t solving more complex problems be, exactly, the role of technology? Yes and no. Creativity and adaptability are still characteristics that differentiate us from machines.

Before you think you’re too special, however, know that there are fields of study trying to undermine this new advantage. Among them is Machine Learning, which is relevant to talk about the applications of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing.

What Is Machine Learning

Machine Learning is easier to conceptualize: it is the ability of a machine or system to learn without the need for programming. Given this definition, Avinashi Kaushik, an expert on the subject, already gave a very cool interview for RD.

For this learning, computers identify patterns in a large amount of data. Based on this information, they make exact predictions using algorithms and statistical techniques.

In this way, Machine Learning can help companies from different sectors. Want an example of your everyday life? The suggestions that eCommerce sites present to you after purchase. They are the result of analyzing millions of customer interactions.

Both sides of this relationship have advantages: you receive promotions that make sense for your profile, while the company can make a new sale. Artificial Intelligence helps create a natural loyalty relationship.

Uses Of Artificial Intelligence In Digital Marketing

The main uses of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing include Machine Learning. Below, we list some actions that already combine the two things:

Lead Qualification

Measuring the Marketing team’s contributions to increasing the company’s revenue is increasingly accurate and fast. Knowing what generates the most Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) and Sales Qualified Leads (SQL) is one of the many benefits of Machine Learning.

Artificial Intelligence helps to qualify customer lists accurately and prospects using relevant online data. So they can build an ideal customer profile (ICP).

With each sale made, the data is updated, improving the prognosis of new possible sales, and helping sellers and resellers save time. Thus, they can prioritize the most qualified Leads and channel sales efforts to the right places and strategies.

Paid Media

This includes his data and behavior on the internet, such as sites he visits, where he clicks, etc. Google announced that soon all ads would be optimized on its platform through Machine Learning.


Friendly and helpful chatbots are already everywhere on the internet. Because they also use Machine Learning to assist a visitor on a given site. Customer service bots use natural language processing and customer service data. 

Recommendation Systems

Amazon, Netflix, and Spotify are always trying to get your tastes right, aren’t they? They don’t always get it right, but the truth is that the online recommendation mechanisms used by these platforms are good examples of how Machine Learning works.

Content Marketing

Before going into this item, it is worth remembering: texts produced with creativity that seek a genuine dialogue with the reader are essential for a good Content Marketing strategy. That said, it’s possible to use Machine Learning to analyze data, develop new ideas, and build a custom content strategy.

Marketing professionals may be more likely to create more efficient, personalized content that generates more value. Also, it makes them more accessible for search engines to find.

Avoid Churn

Churn can also be positively impacted. Rather than relying on costly and time-consuming approaches to minimizing churn, machine learning uses risk models to help determine how actions to avoid churn drive results.

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