Visual Identity For Technology Companies

Visual Identity For Technology Companies

Visual Identity: Changes in the market, promoted by factors such as digital transformation and the coronavirus pandemic, have driven companies to invest in technology.

According to data from IDC, investments in technology solutions are expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 15.5% until 2023, equivalent to an approximate revenue of US$6.8 trillion.

In the same measure of these good numbers, it is necessary to differentiate itself from the competition, which often offers similar solutions. One of the essential tools in this context is visual identity, which can make a company unique.

For those who doubt the term, it is a set of symbols and elements built to represent an organization, service or product. This includes shapes, fonts and colors that, when integrated, create a unique concept, differentiating the brand. In practice, logos, slogans, manuals and other pieces are developed that give the company’s tone of voice to its audience.

Follow the article and learn about the importance of this process for the success of an information technology company.

Why Should I Have A Visual Identity Defined In My IT Company?

An adequate visual identity can convey an image of reliability, innovation and solidity, helping to attract the public’s attention and establish lasting relationships. In addition to helping set the organization apart from competitors, this process also influences results.

After all, an identity developed by qualified professionals makes the business appear and be remembered by customers, which helps strengthen the brand. It is worth noting that, during the construction of the plan, it is essential to consider aspects such as organizational culture, purposes, target audience, objectives, focus and mission.

 In addition, the materials must be impactful, creative and different, precisely to attract the attention of potential customers and partners. From this work, the company can stand out amid many medium or bad brands, making it competitive with the leading players in the market. Here are some advantages of an excellent visual identity:

Standardizes Communication

Among the main benefits is the standardization of communication with the public and the market. After all, the projects developed by the designers must include all the company’s means of relationship, whether in the physical environment or online. Consequently, wherever potential customers come in contact with the business, their perceptions will be the same.

Brand Memorization

If a potential customer faces an aligned and unified visual identity across multiple channels, they begin to memorize the brand. In this way, when there is a problem or need to be solved, he will likely remember the company’s solutions, as he is constantly impacted by a bold design.

Optimize The Audience Experience

As much as the company’s core business is linked to technology, customers certainly want to relate to an organization that takes care of its image and is careful to offer positive perceptions. Some factors to consider to convey a powerful message are colors, images, strokes and fonts representing the philosophy and synchronizing the speech with the image.

In the case of an IT company, it can use elements that convey a sense of modernity, innovation, credibility, security and efficiency. At the same time, communication is not too severe or too formal.

Another critical point is the types of colors used in the visual identity, as they have a vital influence on the results and experience of the public. In this case, the well-known color psychology can be applied. For information technology companies, some of the most used are blue, orange and gray. While orange brings dynamism and energy, blue encourages optimism and serenity, and gray is responsible for solidity and professionalism.

Attract The Right Audience

One of the essential points to properly define a company’s visual identity is the target audience. Therefore, before starting to plan the design, it is necessary to have the potential client profile well-defined. Thus, those responsible can use the information as one of the pillars of the creative process.

These are just some differentials that can be achieved through efficient design work. However, it is essential to emphasize that experienced designers must carry out this work. Otherwise, what could bring excellent results ends up scaring the public away. 

How Can My Company Create A Compelling Visual Identity?

The first step in creating a solid visual identity is to analyze the company’s objectives, organizational culture, purposes, target audience, competition and market. This is the basis for any quality strategy. Other tips to start developing or modernizing your company identity are:

  • Prepare a briefing that contains the essential information about the organization, such as its differentials, weaknesses and strengths, goals, values ​​and other points that help in the work of a designer;
  • Practice brainstorming, which consists of dialogue and exchange of ideas between those involved in the process, to emerge relevant and creative insights and directions for the strategy;
  • Define the colors, fonts and styles, which must be by the organizational culture and the image that the organization wants to convey;
  • Develop a visual identity manual, a document that lists every detail about the visual identity and serves as a guide for all employees who somehow work with it;
  • Align the visual identity with the business’s branding strategy to avoid language and positioning conflicts.

Another critical point about creating a successful visual identity is choosing a partner that offers quality services, whether in-house professionals or agencies.

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