What Is CRM, And What Is It For?

What Is CRM, And What Is It For?

With an increasingly demanding consumer, being attentive and ready to meet their needs is essential. Therefore, good customer relationship management can differentiate between a closed deal and a lost one. That’s where CRM comes in.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is optimizing the relationship between the company and the consumer. And, in an increasingly digital world, nothing is more natural than using technological tools to optimize this process. 

Do you want to better understand CRM and its importance for customer relationship management? Then continue reading this article.

So let’s go?

What Is CRM?

The acronym CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. It is. Therefore, a business strategy is usually attributed to the marketing, sales, and customer success teams. These are the ones that focus on the relationship with the consumer. Its objective is to get to know you more deeply to meet your needs best, thus generating a faithful and lasting relationship.

What Is A CRM Tool?

A CRM is software that performs different tasks to help companies and sales teams manage their customer portfolio. Capable of automating processes and consolidating data, a CRM enables companies to facilitate customer management. Thus making it easier and sales more efficient, intelligent, and assertive.

What Types Of CRM?

There are four main types of CRMs. Are they:

  • Operational: the objective is to manage the day-to-day tasks of salespeople and customer service;
  • Analytical: consolidates data and KPIs from sales and salespeople’s performance. Thus, resulting in a more complete analysis;
  • Collaborative: integrates operational and analytical data. Thus, providing better business management;
  • Strategic: it is the union of all the previous functions, allowing the adoption of more effective strategies and more agile decision-making.

What Is A CRM For? 

Control Sales

With the CRM, sellers, and managers now have greater control over the history of orders and sales made. Such control promotes greater knowledge about customers and processes.        

With a sales CRM, this process is even more optimized since salespeople can also consult and analyze data in real-time, in a single place, and, based on that, plan new sales strategies.        

Facilitate The Proposal Creation Process

CRM tools have functions that help control quotations and proposals issued. The process becomes much easier with easy access to the data needed to create a proposal. In addition, with a broader view of the entire sales process for that customer, it is possible to create a more personalized proposal.

Monitor Prospects

A CRM allows you to record each contact between the salesperson and the prospect, thus evaluating whether or not the negotiation has evolved. In addition, the platform enables the creation of tasks and reminders for follow-up.

Improve Customer Relationships

With the use of CRM, sales and customer relations are made more organized. Thus, it is also easier to solve the problems and doubts of consumers using this tool. 

Improve Team Communication

With the sharing of information, communication becomes much more effective. Everything is gathered in one place and available to everyone. Therefore, instead of telling a colleague to know some information about a certain customer, the salesperson has immediate access to what he needs in the system.

And much more!


Some people still have a hard time differentiating a CRM from an ERP. Complementary tools both help in business management, but they have different functionalities.


The acronym ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning or Enterprise Resource Planning. This tool is responsible for institutional management processes, in addition to financial and administrative processes. 

Its objective is to connect all these flows, making processes more fluid and efficient and reducing bureaucracy. Some of these solutions even have a sales module, but they tend to cover only the simplest sales processes, not fully meeting the demand.

However, managing thousands of tools in your day-to-day is unnecessary. It is possible to integrate CRM and ERP tools and improve the performance of a company’s internal and external processes.

What To Consider When Choosing A CRM?

The first step is to analyze the business itself to identify which problems in the sales process need to be solved. Then, look for a system that offers a complete and customized package according to your needs.

However, some points are fundamental in a CRM tool. Are they:

Customer history, commercial proposals sent and contacts made, visit control planning, and opportunities funnel.

As a differential, choose tools that have the following:

  • Creation of intelligent workflows;
  • Customer segmentation;
  • After-sales management;
  • Pricing architecture;
  • Inventory control
  • Visual management.


There are several benefits that a CRM platform can offer your business. And now that you know the main ones, analyze the impact of using this tool on your company.

Also Read: Difference Between A CRM Tool And Marketing Automation?